Our Staff

Senior Leadership Team

Ms J Walshe

Mr C Smith
Deputy Principal

Mr J Devereaux, Assistant Principal / Year 9 Dean

Mr C Herbst, Assistant Principal / Senior Assistant Dean

Mrs J Herbst
Director of Religious Studies

Mrs L O'Neill
Principal's Nominee 

Mrs E De Souza 
​​​​​​​Principal's Nominee

Mrs M Burton

Mrs T Dooley

Mrs J Ardouin

Pastoral Care Team

Mr J Devereaux
​​​​​​​Year 9 Dean

Mrs L Cooper
​​​​​​​Year 10 Dean

Ms J Atabelo
Year 11 Dean

Miss A Davies
​​​​​​​Year 12 Dean

Mrs H Mellor
​​​​​​​Year 13 Dean

Mr C Herbst​​​​​​​
​​​​​​​Senior Assistant Dean

Mrs E Dupu​​​​​​​
​​​​​​​Student Advocate / Guidance

Mr J Fowler
Director of Boarding

Heads of Faculty

Mrs L Cooper
​​​​​​​HOF English

Mr R Gower
​​​​​​​HOF Maths

Mrs J Herbst​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
​​​​​​​HOF Religious Studies

Mr T Hitchcock
​​​​​​​HOF Social Science

Mr A Hose​​​​​​​
​​​​​​​HOF Physical Education

Mrs H Mellor
​​​​​​​HOF Technology

Mrs L O’Neill​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
​​​​​​​HOF Science

Mrs S Plunkett​​​​​​​
​​​​​​​HOF Art

Teaching Staff

Mrs A Beckingsale

Mrs S Leong Son

Mr A Haig

Mr C Mawson

Mr T Farrell

Mr J Carter

Mrs J Gower

Mr J Hanning

Dr J Maret

Mr K McCallum

Mr M Brown

Mrs M Buckham

Mrs P Sutton

Mrs R Fowler

Mr S Johnston

Mrs S Laraga

Mrs S Pitman​​​​​​​

Mr S Cerdan​​​​​​​


Mr J Fowler - Director of Boarding  - ​​​​​​​jfowler@stkevins.school.nz

Mrs L Pearson - Hostel Matron - Boys- lpearson@stkevins.school.nz 

Mrs T Marshall - Assistant Matron – Girls - tmarshall@stkevins.school.nz

Mr P Boeckhout - Kitchen Manager - pboeckhout@stkevins.school.nz​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Ako Hub / Learning Support

Mrs J Ardouin - SENCo - jadrouin@stkevins.school.nz

Mrs T Dooley - SENCo - tdooley@stkevins.school.nz

Mrs C Newlove - Learning Assistant - cnewlove@stkevins.school.nz

Mrs S Booth - Learning Assistant - sbooth@stkevins.school.nz​​​​​​​

Mrs K McLaren - Learning Assistant - kmclaren@stkevins.school.nz

Mr K Booth - Learning Assistant - kbooth@stkevins.school.nz

Mrs L Marshall - Learning Assistant - lmarshall@stkevins.school.nz

Mrs L Anderson - Learning Assistant - landerson@stkevins.school.nz​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Support Staff

Mrs C Rusbatch - Business Manager - crusbatch@stkevins.school.nz

Ms D Hayes - Principal's PA - dhayes@stkevins.school.nz

Mrs N Kirkman - Administration Officer - nkirkman@stkevins.school.nz

Mrs L Wolfe - Enrolment Co-ordinator/Attendance Support/Vocational Pathways Assistant - lwolfe@stkevins.school.nz

Mrs L Simpson - Kaiāwhina / Attendance Advisor for North & East Otago - lsimpson@stkevins.school.nz

Mr K Booth - Science Technician - kbooth@stkevins.school.nz

Mrs J Campbell - International Director - jcampbell@stkevins.school.nz

Ms S Clapperton - Sports Co-ordinator - sclapperton@stkevins.school.nz

Mrs L Marshall - Alternative Education Coordinator - lmarshall@stkevins.school.nz

Mrs K McLaren - Gateway / Vocational Pathways - kmclaren@stkevins.school.nz

Mrs C Brenssell - Vocational Pathways / Equestrian - cbrenssell@stkevins.school.nz

Mr S Rees - Media - srees@stkevins.school.nz

Mr A Grant - Caretaker - agrant@stkevins.school.nz

Mr J Rusbatch - Property Manager - jrusbatch@stkevins.school.nz​​​​​​​


Mrs K Cox - Community Builder - kcox@stkevins.school.nz